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Mental Health Audits

Imagine if you knew what your people felt about wellbeing, what your risks are and where to put your wellbeing resources for maximum effect?

What if you had the evidence for your board about what makes your people unwell, and where they choose to go for support? Preventative and proactive: that’s the power of a Bamboo mental health audit.

Wellbeing reviews

Bamboo has worked with more than 45 organisations to audit and advise on mental health strategy, review HR policies with mental health in mind. Tom will help you create an organisation wellbeing plan based on your unique context and information.

We will recommend:

  1. Organisation and structural-level changes
  2. Individual-level support (including managers)
  3. Strategic positioning and relevant communications
  4. Further targeted interventions (based on the evidence)

A Review or audit gives you :

  • evidence-informed insights into your workplace
  • knowing where the mental health and stress risks are
  • what workplace wellbeing activities actually relevant for you.

The mental health audit is collaborative and expert research includes HR, stakeholders, lived experience interviews and wider data including mental health focus groups. They take from 1-3 months to complete.

Tom’s approach was not only professional but also incredibly effective in gathering health data. The survey offered valuable insights for our HR team, helping us tailor our support programs to better meet the needs of our employees.

Tom’s results, experience and recommendations, both on a European level and also particularly on an affiliate level, allowed us to build a wellbeing strategy for all the European framework.”

European Wellbeing Lead
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I have read your report – wow!! Very insightful I really like the fact that you are stretching us and I like the positive focus. This is what I was hoping for and more.

HR Director, Professional Services

Types of audit

Audits can be light touch or deep dive. Focus on stress or wider wellbeing. And the effort is worth it. Staff wellbeing consultations can help identify and manage hot spots such as stress risks – and that helps with legal compliance. But we can also learn from cool spots (positive wellbeing survey results).

We don’t guess. We don’t google. We don’t give a happiness score: we create an accurate and authentic picture from safe and secure consultation, so you know the targeted spend and wellbeing ROI to manage YOUR risks.

“Just wanted to say you totally nailed it this afternoon. If there was a way to deliver feedback from a survey like that, that was it. Magic.”

I so love working with you. It’s a joy.”

National Highway Engineering and Maintenance